Whipped Sugar Scrub Soap – Peppermint Swizzle Stick

TT$ 55.00

Shipping Weight – 0.5lbs

Availability: 12 in stock

Indulge in the Refreshing bliss of Whipped Sugar Scrub Peppermint Swizzle Stick to restore and rejuvenate the skin’s moisture whilst exfoliating dead skin cells. Perfect for facial treatments, manicures and pedicures. Incorporate into your daily skincare regimen to achieve an even skin tone across your face and body making stretch marks less prominent. This Sugar Scrub’s potent formula fights acne, breakouts, eczema, psoriasis and dry skin, and is suitable for all skin types.


Ingredients: Granulated Sugar, Foaming Bath Whip, Premium Shea Butter Melt and Pour Soap Base (detergent free), Glycerine (Vegetable), Rose Clay (Rosmarinus officinalis L), Peppermint Swizzle Stick Fragrance Oil

Weight 0.5 lbs
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